The Mark Zaleski Band Releases Second Album, Days, Months, Years
Hi everyone! It’s been a LONG time coming, but I can finally say that I will be releasing the Mark Zaleski Band’s 2nd record “Days, Months, Years” on Oct. 6, 2017! I feel like this record is completely representative of my life’s work up until this point. Not only does it include my compositions and arrangements, but I played alto, soprano, and double bass on this record. Shaun Brady did an AMAZING job summing up the story of the MZB [...]
VIDEO: Playing Bass and Saxophone on “Days, Months, Years” Album
Mark explains how he planned playing bass and saxophone on Days, Months, Years. The video includes an example of how switching from one instrument to another worked in the middle of a song.
Bass/Saxophone MZB Record Coming Early 2017
It is with great pleasure that I want to let the world know that a new Mark Zaleski Band record will be released in early 2017. The album will feature many of the songs we’ve been playing for the last 9 years (yes, our last release was back in 2007!) included Mark In the Park, Days Months Years, and Katie’s Song. Perhaps one of the most unique qualities of the recording is that I am the alto and soprano [...]
Young Kids Should Be Starting Bands
A few weeks ago I had the fortunate opportunity to serve on the faculty at New England Conservatory of Music's "Jazz Lab," a one-week intensive jazz program for mostly high school students (some a bit younger). To my surprise, I was asked to do a master class on “Entrepreneurial Musicianship.” This was a great honor to me, that the managers of the camp saw my career worthy enough to inspire young students find their path, [...]
PLANET RADIO: Your new favorite band
Last Wednesday, July 9th, I had one of the most inspiring gigs I’ve had in a long time. Leah Randazzo, Jeff D’Antona, Jon Bean, Carl Eisman, Patrick Simard, and myself got together to put together a project (fitting more in the genre of funk and R&B than jazz per say) that after the fact was called “Planet Radio.” We performed a bunch of covers from some of our favorite artists in the world including The Meters, [...]
Hello everyone! Welcome to the new This website will be the gateway into all things I'm doing musically, and the homepage for The Mark Zaleski Band. The launch of this new and improved site (thanks to my dear friend and wonderful web designer Kayla Glovinski) comes with lots of exciting band news. There are a whole bunch of new performances coming up in the next few months all over New England and New York.