What really warmed my heart about this band was the way that everyone had a voice in coming up with the original tunes. One of the tunes I am most proud of is called “Spinning, Holding Steady”. I had a very short theme in my head for a bass line and rhythmic groove that I punched in as a hackjob garageband file. From there, Pat came up with an amazing groove, Carl came up with a clever transition between two sections, Jeff came up with chords for the bridge, Jon came up with the saxophone lead on the bridge, and Leah came up with most of the lyrics and the lyrical theme. I actually added some lyrics as well, which is the first time I’ve ever tried to do such a thing.
I add this story because I don’t feel like I’ve been a part of something where the creative musical drive is totally equal amongst a group of such high caliber musicians. I feel like I’ve played in a number of musical projects in my life where that is advertised, but I’ve never actually felt the passion come from every single player like this before.
The level of enthusiasm maybe can be best summed up in this facebook status update from Carl Eisman from July 11:
“There is a SERIOUS conversation happening regarding world domination. Specifically in the arena of soulful and original music making! Stay tuned for the inception of your new favorite band.”
I’ve attached one video of an untitled tune by Patrick Simard that I hope you enjoy. It’s a beautiful song the features everyone in the band, and shares a beautiful message.
The road has just opened up for “Planet Radio.” I hope you can join me on this incredible musical journey!